SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificates are essential for delivering a secure shopping experience for your online customers. SSL is a transaction security standard that involves encrypting data and transmitting it via a secure online channel - helping protect your customer’s identity, credit card details, and other sensitive data.
To secure your website and e-commerce transactions, purchase SSL certificate by following the steps below:
1. Log into BizControl with your username and password (click here for instructions).
2. Click on Web Hosting on the Home page.
3. Scroll down, find and click the SSL link. You can also click SSL in the left navigation panel in BizControl.
4. Select the proper domain name from the Currently Managing drop-down menu
5. Under the Select a SSL Certificate Authority section, click View SSL Certificates and review the information and prices of the available SSL certificates.
6. Once you have decided which SSL certificate you want to order, click on the Activate button.
Note: SSL certificates require a Dedicated IP address. A dedicated IP address, which is an additional product, is assigned to one domain and is not shared by other domains.
8. On the Generate CSR and Purchase SSL page, follow the instructions and fill in the required information.
Fill in the Admin Contact field.
Fill in the Billing Contact field.
Fill in the Technical Contact field.
Fill in the Approver Info field.
Note: The Approver Email can only be an email address with a username such as:
"admin; administrator; hostmaster; postmaster; root; webmaster" @ the domain you are purchasing the SSL for!
9. When you are ready, click the Purchase Certificate button to place the order.
Important note: Please note that after your purchase was successful, you will receive two emails at the approver email address:
- one email to approve the SSL purchase
- second email with the SSL certificate, which you need to forward to our support email - for installation.